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Farm to School Greenhouse Grant
Boston Bar Elementary Secondary School
Jenelle McMillan, FNSW and Lisa Oike, Principal
In the beginning…
- There was … a lot of work to be done!
- The previous greenhouse crop needed to be rotated in to prepare for the new planting.
- While networking with farmers we found a farm in Laidlaw owed by Gerald Klopp, who donated the manure.
- Speaking with a variety of stores, we connected with Brian Minter of Minter Garden’s who offered us a great discount for soil and start up materials.
- A volunteer Glenn Chapman brought manure and soil to our greenhouse.
- The Grade 7 and 8 class helped with the shoveling of manure and soil.
- Over 100 containers were filled with a mixture of soil and manure.
From the Beginning…
- After the initial planning stage we began including the students with the work to be done.
- The Kindergarten to Grade 2 class was instrumental in planting the seeds for our greenhouse.
- Together we planted beans, peas, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, peppers, broccoli, several varieties of lettuce, kale, tomatoes, beets, purselane, watercress, violas, violets, strawberries, raspberries, onions, garlic, swiss chard, squash and potatoes, to name the main crop.
- They watered the seedlings in their classroom for several weeks.
What happened next?
- The seedlings were transplanted to the greenhouse or to Wolf Song Healing Farm to continue growing until the harvest season!
- The Grade 3 and 4 classes helped with the watering in the outside containers.
- The project required watering and plant care, several times per day, a variety of students from different grades came to aid in the project. We set up a schedule to provide daily support for the greenhouse needs.
- Planning began for what we shall do with the food we will harvest. A seasonal menu for smoothies, soups and salads based on the fruits of our labours.
- A booklet is being prepared to share the nutritional content of each fruit or vegetable grown in our greenhouse and from our practice of “wilding”.
- Students went on guided tours of our local surroundings to learn about, gather and sample naturally occurring foods in our territory.
The beginning at the Greenhouse and at the Farm.
Wonderful and Amazing!
- Students are amazed by the variety of edible plants found growing in and around our school, as well as the floor of our greenhouse!
- Students are enjoying our greenhouse samples as they try the microgreens, seedlings and in some cases, fully developed vegetables and flowers, that they have participated in growing and nurturing within this project.
What’s Next?
- Students will help with harvesting fruits and vegetable.
- Students will learn how to use the fruits and vegetables.
- Students will help preserve fruits and vegetables harvested from our greenhouse, the farm and the world around us.
- Students will help design menus for our Soup, Salad and Smoothie Bar.
- Students will enjoy the fruits of our labours through sharing meals with us.